Orlando Divorce Attorneys in Central Florida

Getting divorced is never easy, whether you are the spouse who desires the divorce, or the spouse who does not want a divorce. While some divorces are more amicable than others, many are highly contentious. When children are involved, the situation can become even more complicated. At Adams, Luka, & Benton, our divorce lawyers in Orlando know that divorcing can affect many areas of your life, and often is not a simple process. All of our Central Florida family law attorneys believe that a client is only well-served when a divorce settlement resolves present needs and provides for a sound future. We understand how difficult ending a marriage can be, and how the last thing you want to think about is filling out divorce forms. We are available to help make what is often one of the most difficult times in a person's life easier, and less stressful.
Dissolution of Marriage in OrlandoIn Florida, a divorce is referred to as a dissolution of marriage. Florida is one of the many states that has abolished fault, including adultery, abandonment, or abuse, as a ground for divorce. Implicit in the “no-fault” concept is the notion that both parties are complete and equal partners, sharing equal rights and obligations in the marital relationship, and sharing equal burdens in the event of divorce. As a result, the only requirement to dissolve a marriage is for one spouse to establish the marriage is “irretrievably broken.” Either spouse can file for a dissolution of marriage. To move forward with the divorce, you must prove a marriage exists, one party has been a Florida resident for at least six months, and the marriage is irretrievably broken or there are irreconcilable differences. These reasons differ from marriage to marriage. Some couples file for divorce because they no longer share the same life goals, they’ve fallen out of love, or other long-term marital problems - all of these are considered grounds for divorce.
Every Divorce is DifferentThe parties and circumstances are unique in each case; therefore, outcomes can differ greatly for each divorce proceeding. The main outcomes for each divorce include the division of assets and debts, establishment of spousal and child support, and decisions on time-sharing schedules.
The divorce process can be highly emotional and traumatic for couples and their children, if any. Each party often does not know their legal rights, which only a family law attorney can help protect and provide guidance regarding. Statutory requirements and court rules must be strictly followed, or you may lose certain rights permanently. A knowledgeable central Florida attorney can analyze your unique situation and help you make decisions in your and your children’s best interests.
Types of divorce we have provided clients with legal support and guidance on include:
- Annulment
- Collaborative Divorce
- Contested Divorce with Children
- Contested Divorce without Children
- Military Divorce
- Uncontested Divorce
For those who live in the central Florida area, we understand that no two cases are exactly the same. You have specific needs and desires in regards to your children, future, support, and other aspects of your life. Whether your divorce is contested without children or uncontested, children are involved, or you are married to someone in the military, it is vital to choose an experienced divorce attorney who is compassionate and dedicated to helping you settle all issues as efficiently as possible, so that you can move forward with your life.
Divorce Process in Central FloridaIt is crucial that you attain legal representation as soon as possible if you or your spouse is considering filing for divorce. Delaying could give your spouse an advantage. To begin your case, our office will file for divorce in the county that you were last residing in as a married couple. The other party will then be served with the divorce papers. The spouse that has been served has 20 days from the date they received the papers to file. If they do not sign the papers, the divorce proceeding can still start without their approval. Military divorces do not follow this standard.
Each side will provide the necessary paperwork and financial documents. Once the couple’s financial situation is established, a custody agreement and parenting plan for any minor children will be made. Three months after filing, mediation will occur. Mediation provides an opportunity for both parties to decide the terms of their divorce and child custody without a hearing. If the parties can come to a consensus on these terms, the judge will sign the proposed agreement and the divorce is finalized. If no agreement can be made, you will have to obtain a final hearing before the judge, who will then decide your case.
Where to File for Divorce in OrlandoA person seeking divorce can file а petition for divorce in the county where the couple last lived together, or they may choose to file in another county. For instance, if the last county you and your spouse lived in as a married couple was Orange County, Orange County would be an appropriate place to file. However, you and your spouse may agree to file for divorce in a different county which is allowed.
The only limitation to filing for divorce in Florida is the residency requirement. One of the parties must have lived in Florida for at least six months prior to filing the petition. Residency can be proven with a driver’s license, Florida identification card, voter registration card, or the testimony or affidavit of someone other than the couple.
Experience and Dedication to Achieving Our Clients' Goals in Divorce CasesIn many cases, couples are able to reach an agreement on many of the issues unique to their marriage; in others, it may require fighting it out in court. In situations where it seems there is no solution satisfactory to both parties, you must have a skilled and aggressive divorce attorney who is on your side, and ready to fight on your behalf. The frustration, stress, and tension can become unbearable at some point. By choosing a highly skilled lawyer who has a proven track record for reaching the clients' desired outcome, you can rest assured you are getting the best legal representation possible.
No one wants the process of divorcing to drag on for weeks or months, however you cannot simply “throw in the towel” when it comes to your rights regarding child custody, alimony, spousal support, shared parenting plans, the distribution of assets, and other issues. Regardless of the type of divorce you are facing, trust the central Florida divorce attorneys at Adams, Luka, & Benton to be on your side, and to fight for your rights. We are never intimidated when it comes to the issues surrounding divorce and are committed to exceptional results. Contact us now for a free consultation at 407-872-0303 or 352-357-4084.